Yoga Outreach

Often times individuals will seek comfort and support through community outreach centers.

We offer adult and kids trauma informed yoga classes at various outreach centers in the Tampa Bay Area at no cost to them

By offering yoga and mindfulness practice in these spaces we provide an individual mental clarity, inner peace, and valuable tools for anxiety and stress relief.

We are so grateful for our Outreach Partners

Meet our certified Trauma Informed Yoga Teachers

Megan L. || Tampa, FL

Heather Q. || Tampa, FL

Juliana B. || St. Pete, FL

Brittney W. || St. Pete, FL

Addison P. || Norfolk, VA

“I heard about Purple Dot Yoga Project and their services through my local outreach center. Yoga has helped me so much in feeling better and handling my daily stress.”

- Yoga Outreach Participant


We are grateful for our corporate sponsors, and local partners that allow us to offer yoga for wellness, wellbeing, and better mental health.

If you are a corporation that would love to sponsor our yoga outreach program click the button below to learn more:

If you are an organization that would love to offer a trauma informed yoga program to your participants click the button below to email us.